SCS Weekly Rundown | September 17th, 2024

Freight Still Trending Down in August

Declines in freight spend and shipments aren't the signs many hoped for.

August continued to show a downtrend in the freight industry with both freight spend and shipments falling compared to the previous year. Expert insights highlight modest improvement, but despite this, figures remain significantly lower than in 2022, continuing this prolonged valley.

Dive into a full explanation here.

Air Canada Averts Strike with New Contract

With this new pilot contract in place, disruptions have largely been avoided.

Air Canada and its pilots have reached a new agreement, averting what initially looked to be a potential strike. This new contract has resolved several ongoing disputes and ensures continued service without disruption, maintaining critical stability in both flight schedules and operations.

Learn more about the new agreement here.

Intermodal Expanding Amid Rising Costs

Intermodal transport has gained ground but still faces offsetting rising costs.

The intermodal segment is capturing a larger market share, though it navigates a landscape riddled with high operational costs. This segment's rise in market share is marked by a deliberate shift towards more efficient, albeit costly, transportation methods. These shifts could be signs of a pivotal adaptation phase that strives for balance between growth and cost-efficiency.

Explore all of the details here.


BNSF Cost Cuts Raising Safety Concerns

Cost reduction strategies at BNSF have started to raise some safety concerns.

Labor unions have started cautioning regulators about BNSF Railway's cost-cutting measures, suggesting they could potentially compromise safety and efficiency. This warning comes during ongoing broader discussions surrounding the impacts of financial strategies on operational integrity throughout the rail industry.

Get more information on this story here.


Dax Steenbergen